Ingrate is not a man who has forgotten all that he did, and in the future is not helping them. It's bad when a person thinks that all the success he achieved alone, without the help of others. In society need mutual support in difficult situations and not only. There are examples ingrate. Because the situations are different. First, a businessman late for an important meeting, but can not find a place to park his place. Raises its head and says: "God please help me find a place. I then transfer more money to the orphanage, give up drinking and going every Sunday to go to church!" Miraculously appears free place. He again turned to the sky - "and all, it is not necessary. found!" Second, amateur aquarium fish asked: "Why do you look after them well? They also can not do anything to give you. For example, a dog can be protected. They may not thank you for caring for them." He said, their gratitude is that they thrive and multiply rapidly so they say "thank you." Indeed, a good deal does not require gratitude. it should not be, "you to me, I to you".
The story "The Ingrate " raise the question of the slavery and race discrimination. Mr. Leckler was a man of high principle, but he gave the opportunity to learn his slave Josh. One day Josh heard a voice, and run way to Canada. Josh is worried about his brothers. Later he finds out that they are at large and was very pleased. Author has shown that slave is the ingrate to the owner. Josh does not have to be a slave until his death only because the owner has given the chance to learn.
I want to view the text on the other side. The main objective was to have the freedom Josh. He struggled, but still hurt. Now you can learn to read and write. He took advantage of this tool, and reached his goal - freedom. If the main purpose was to read and write, he could be called a traitor. Because it took advantage of his master and gave up. But here the situation is different.
Slavery is very sad experience of people. I remember when that was once some people were equal things. It's horrible. They just it could sell or trade.
[After reading the stories, I learned that the civil war in the United States occurred in 1681-1865. After which abolished slavery in the United States. In Russia, slavery abolished in 1861 during the reign of Aleksaedr II].
In my opinion, the struggle for freedom is the biggest fight of people. It continues to this day. A lot of people gave their lives for the right to be free. Wars, demonstrations, riots ... It's horrible. In today's developed world, people do not die for freedom.
In conclusion, it is thank or not a person decides for himself. Sometimes, it may hide there's feelings and not speak a word of thanks. Josh, I would recommend to go and visit their former masters. Perhaps it thanks to their skills and found work in life. Becoming a successful person what he can do to help. He can to talk on equal terms and of course thank you for your knowledge.
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