The Story begins with a Chinese merchant welcoming his wife and his little boy arriving in San Francisco from China. However, the couple faces a problem. There was no documentation for their son so the custom\m officers take their son away until they receive a certificate from the government. The mother, Lae Choo, was very reluctant to leave without her son, but she had no choice. Her husband, Him Hong, calmed her down by promising that they will reunite with their son soon. However, there has been endless delay from Washington and that drove the mother m\nearly insane. Later, Him Hong and Lae Choo had to hire a lawyer and pay him to go to Washington to speed up the process. Finally, Lae Choo was able to go to the mission nursery school where her son is. Unfortunately, unlike the happy mother, the son was not happy to see his mother after 10 months of seperation.
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